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Solution based on Dunnington processors handles 67% more throughput than same solution using Tigerton processors

Mean latency of 27 micros at 2x playback rate with 5 partially overlapping clients. System withstood the max rate possible with this harness: 2.8million msgs/sec (post line-arb).

One 2U server consolidates a view of 180,000 orders per second with 99th percentile latency of approximately 3 milliseconds

Vendor supplies STAC Lab with the latest Quad-Core AMD Opteron processors in 2-socket and 4-socket configurations.

One pair of 2U appliances received and forwarded over 100,000 guaranteed messages per second (mps).

STAC Benchmark Council to meet Wednesday, 30 July 2008, 5:30pm to 8:30pm in Deutsche Bank's auditorium at 60 Wall Street.

Vendor will contribute to benchmark specs for market data and analytic workloads


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