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Tech superstar Andy Bechtolsheim to headline. Event to cover high-performance innovations and the first standards to measure messaging. Click here for details.
Highest stacked Point-to-Point Server throughput to date on a single server: 19.1M updates/second
Highest RMDS throughput with sub-millisecond latency reported to date: 800,000 updates/second
Highest P2PS output to date from a two-socket server: 12.6 million updates per second
SUSE Linux Enterprise Real-Time with InfiniBand offers significant improvement for RMDS over non-real-time Linux OS with GigE.
Real-time version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and 10GigE brings RMDS to below 1 ms of end-to-end latency at up to 700,000 updates per second
Vendor supplies STAC Lab with the latest Nexus and Catalyst Series switches.


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