Cloud Communications Working Group

Increasing the use of public, private, or hybrid clouds is high on the agendas of many financial firms. However, firms face a number of questions and obstacles when making cloud decisions. For example:

  • Security practices must satisfy business and regulatory requirements while limiting non-security impacts such as price-performance, agility, and usability.
  • Understanding relative performance and price-performance can be difficult when faced with complex pricing structures and sometimes unpredictable performance.
  • Evaluating platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offerings for big data, big compute, or machine learning can be complex.

The Data Center & Cloud Communications Working Group is a Working Group of financial firms and vendors from the STAC Benchmark Council with three objectives:

  1. Standardize methods of assessing cloud solutions, including functionality, absolute performance, and price-performance, building out from existing STAC Benchmarks.
  2. Facilitate dialog and recommend best practices around public and private cloud adoption.
  3. Guide a testing program for public, private, and hybrid cloud solutions.

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