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The next STAC Performance Summit will take place at 3pm on Monday, April 19, 2010 at Bank of America Merrill Lynch's auditorium, 2 King Edward Street in London.
186 industry leaders gathered at a STAC Performance Summit on February 23, 2010 at Deutsche Bank in NY. The topic: latency monitoring.
"The era of comparable messaging benchmarks has now begun."
The first STAC Performance Summit in the City will take place at 3pm on Thursday, November 19, 2009 at Deutsche Bank’s facility at 23 Great Winchester Street, London.
"[STAC-M2] allows each firm to focus on aspects of functionality that are the most critical for their applications when comparing products."
The next STAC Performance Summit, a general meeting of the STAC Benchmark Council, will be 3pm on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 at Deutsche Bank’s auditorium, 60 Wall Street in New York.
Less than 19 microseconds of mean latency with less than 6 microseconds of standard deviation at rates up to 125Kmps in a low-latency configuration with OpenOnload


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