STAC is a company that coordinates a community called the STAC Benchmark Council. Understanding who we are means understanding not just the company leadership, but more importantly the members of the Council and some of the many individuals from that community who contribute requirements, proposals, and code.
STAC Benchmark Council
The STAC Benchmark Council consists of over 500 financial institutions and more than 70 vendor organizations whose purpose is: 1) to conduct substantive discussions on important technical challenges and solutions in financial services and 2) to develop technology benchmark standards that are useful to financial organizations. User firms include the largest global banks, brokerage houses, exchanges, asset managers, hedge funds, proprietary trading shops, and other market participants. Vendor firms include innovative providers of hardware, software, and cloud services.
Bishop Brock
Head of Research
James Corcoran
Head of AI & Analytics
Jennifer Huneck
Manager of Events & Administration
Peter Lankford
Founder and Strategic Advisor
Jun Rui Lee
Matthew Pratscher
Account Representative
David Whitney
Head of Business Development
STAC Fellows
STAC Fellows are individuals from user firms who have made extraordinary contributions to the STAC community. Their contributions differ. Some of them have devoted considerable time and effort to the creation of research agendas and STAC Benchmark specifications. Some of them have provided key advice, connections, and energy that have grown the STAC community. Their backgrounds differ as well. Some of them are senior executives. Some of them are experts in particular workloads or particular technologies. But all STAC Fellows have one thing in common: a belief in the value of unbiased, empirical research based on community-sourced standards. (STAC Fellows are not STAC employees. STAC Fellows have many opinions and may use STAC forums to express them, but their views are their own.)
STAC began recognizing STAC Fellows in 2014. Below is the current list, with links to their profiles on LinkedIn.
Fellowship awarded in 2024 for key contributions to research programs involving STAC-AI LANG6 (benchmarks for LLM Inference stacks). |
Fellowship awarded in 2014 for key contributions to the research programs relating to network I/O and to STAC-N1 (benchmarks for network stacks). |
Fellowship awarded in 2014 for technology foresight advice and contributions to the expansion of the STAC Benchmark Council. |
Fellowship awarded in 2014 for key contributions to STAC-A2 (benchmarks based on risk computations). |
Fellowship awarded in 2014 for key contributions to research programs involving STAC-M3 (benchmarks for tick database stacks). |
Fellowship awarded in 2014 for key contributions to STAC’s activities related to trade execution and for playing an instrumental role in expanding industry involvement in the STAC Benchmark Council. |
Fellowship awarded in 2014 for key contributions to STAC-M2 (benchmarks for high-speed messaging stacks) and for playing an instrumental role in expanding industry involvement in the STAC Benchmark Council. |
Fellowship awarded in 2017 for key contributions to STAC-TS (benchmarks for timestamping and event capture solutions). |
Fellowship awarded in 2017 for key contributions to STAC-TS (benchmarks for timestamping and event-capture solutions) |
Fellowship awarded in 2014 for key contributions to STAC-M3 (benchmarks for tick database stacks). |
Fellowship awarded in 2018 for key contributions to STAC-M2 (benchmarks for high-speed messaging stacks) and other latency-oriented STAC Benchmarks. |