STAC Report: RMDS on Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Real-Time with Voltaire InfiniBand
SUSE Linux Enterprise Real-Time with InfiniBand offers significant improvement for RMDS over non-real-time Linux OS with GigE.
STAC has just released its second report involving real time Linux technology and a market data workload. Novell, HP and Intel asked STAC to measure the performance of the Reuters Market Data System (RMDS) 6.x with the following other stack layers:
- Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Real-Time 10 SP2 update 3 (SLERT)
- HP BladeSystem with HP BL460c Blades
- Quad-Core Intel Xeon E5450 ("Harpertown") CPUs
- HP 4X DDR InfiniBand HCA
- HP DDR InfiniBand switch
- Voltaire Messaging Accelerator (VMA) InfiniBand Software
First, we performed the standard RMDS latency tests. Second, we examined the maximum P2PS Producer 50/50 throughput in a multiplexed configuration.
In this report, we compared the performance of real-time Linux on InfiniBand and Gigabit Ethernet to the same tests on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2 (SLES) on both InfiniBand and GigE.
Some of the key results of the test were:
- Lowest mean latency reported to date with RMDS
Less than 0.67 ms mean latency at up to 750,000 updates per second with SLERT/InfiniBand
- Lowest standard deviation of latency reported to date with RMDS
Less than 0.5 ms through 750,000 updates per second with SLERT/InfiniBand
- SLERT reduced maximum latencies at higher rates
SLERT/InfiniBand reduced maximum latency values at rates over 200kups by 35% compared with SLES/InfiniBand
- Highest throughput reported to date in the "Producer 50/50" fanout test for a two socket server
10.1 million updates per second achieved with SLERT/InfiniBand
- Significant improvement observed in the SLERT/InfiniBand environment compared to a non-real-time OS and GigE
SLERT/InfiniBand yielded a 61% reduction of mean latency on average compared to SLES/GigE
SLERT/InfiniBand reduced standard deviation of latency by an average of 33% compared to SLES/GigE
SLERT/InfiniBand reduced maximum latency values at rates over 200kups by 49% on average compared with SLES/GigE
SLERT/InfiniBand increased throughput by over 670% compared to SLES/GigE
You can access the new report here.
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