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Analysis of 60 responses from trading organizations around the world

First published STAC-M2 project to utilize a data center-scale network fabric as the interconnect, rather than a single switch.

Unaudited STAC-M3 Benchmark of Kx Systems kdb+ 2.8 with Violin Memory 3200 Series Storage Arrays using flash memory.

Document reviews STAC Benchmark Council activities from 2011 and previews some of the things ahead in 2012.

Kove uses STAC-M3 with their DRAM-based storage to study the effect of volume and directory configuration on kdb+ performance.

Collaboration with Mellanox, Solarflare, and University of New Hampshire yields bindings for RDMA, Sockets, RDS

Unaudited STAC-M3 Benchmark of Kx Systems kdb+ 2.7 with Ion Computer SR-71 Application Server and SSD-based storage


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