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Events in NY, London, and Chicago to discuss key issues in Big Workloads and Fast Workloads

Unaudited STAC-N Benchmark of Chelsio T420-LL-CR network adapter with WireDirect UDP.

Document reviews STAC Benchmark Council activities from 2012 and previews some of the things ahead in 2013.

Fastest mean response time in the YRHIBID test of all publicly disclosed results using kdb+. Significantly faster than the same tests conducted on the previous-generation DDN storage last year.

Audited benchmark shows Apache Hadoop with IBM Platform Symphony performed jobs 7.3 times faster, on average, than pure Apache Hadoop.

Audited STAC-M3 Benchmark of McObject eXtremeDB 5.0 Financial Edition with Kove XPD L2 Storage and Dell R910 servers sets records in 15 of 17 STAC-M3 benchmarks.

Click here to review the workshop submission.


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