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First STAC-AI benchmark results released
Fastest mean latency (response time) in the NBBO and Write benchmarks to date. Of systems using kdb+ 2.8, best performance in 5 of 17 benchmarks.
At 8x market rate, mean tick-to-trade latency was 5.2 microseconds with a standard deviation of 1.2 microseconds.
At 20x market data rate, mean latency was 1.4 microseconds, and jitter was 150 nanoseconds.
Audited STAC-N Benchmark of Supermicro overclocked servers using RHEL 6.3 HPN Add-On and Red Hat Developer Toolset with Mellanox ConnectX-3 adapters and RoCE.
Unaudited STAC-N Benchmark of Chelsio T420-LL-CR network adapter with WireDirect UDP.
Document reviews STAC Benchmark Council activities from 2012 and previews some of the things ahead in 2013.
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