News involving

Max Actionable Latency of 98 nanoseconds with 68-byte frames at 1 Gbps ingress

Lowest max latency ever reported at both the base rate and very high rates

2.89x the speed of previous generation x86 solution in warm runs of baseline Greeks

Highest throughput and efficiency for any publicly reported system to date

Highest throughput and efficiency for any publicly reported system to date

Skylake-based servers set multiple records in STAC-M3 Shasta benchmarks

Skylake-based servers set multiple records in STAC-M3 Shasta benchmarks

Skylake-based servers set multiple records in STAC-M3 Shasta benchmarks

Spark throughput was highest when managed by IBM Spectrum Conductor with Spark.

Highest throughput to date for a system with a single CPU, GPU, or other co-processor
