Vault report: STAC-M3 with X-IO Axellio and kdb+

Unaudited benchmark results for a combined compute/storage architecture
17 October 2017
X-IO Technologies recently submitted unaudited STAC-M3 results to the STAC Vault. The reports and configuration disclosure are available to STAC members with an appropriate subscription.
X-IO Technologies used the STAC-M3™ Benchmarks to test a stack involving a single Axellio Edge Computing System, containing two compute nodes and 70 x Dual Ported NVMe Flash storage devices (SSD). Kx Systems kdb+ 3.5 databases accessed the SSDs directly through the X-IO FabricXpress™ architecture. Each node had 2 x 8-core Intel Xeon E5-2699 CPUs for a total of 32 compute cores.
Test results for this system using the baseline (Antuco) suite of STAC-M3 Benchmarks as well as the volume- and user-scaling suite (Kanaga) are available at the link above, as are a detailed Configuration Disclosure and sosreports for the systems used in the tests.
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