Vendor Welcome Pack
Welcome to the STAC Benchmark Council!
Below are several actions that will help your firm get the most from its membership:
- ✔ Provide us with your company logo
- ✔ Approve or feed back on text for your join announcement
- ✔ Seek our approval if you plan to issue a press release
- ✔ Send out an internal announcement
- ✔ Designate an individual to manage the links on your STAC landing page
- ✔ If necessary, set your password and notification preferences under your user ID
- ✔ Check your Dashboard for your firm’s registration codes for upcoming STAC Summits
- ✔ Let us know if your firm is interested at speaking, exhibiting, or otherwise sponsoring upcoming STAC events
Each of these is described in more detail in the sections below. If you have any questions, please contact
Advertising your involvement
Company logo
Please provide us with a copy of your company logo in Web-ready (gif, jpg) format for use in promotional materials for the Council. EPS format is not currently compatible with the software we use. We would prefer that you provide a print quality logo that is 300dpi.
STAC announcement
When a vendor joins the STAC Benchmark Council, we send factual one- or two-line announcements to the whole STAC community, with a link back to the vendor's site or landing page. (Keeping them short maximizes the chances they will be read and forwarded, while keeping them factual respects STAC's neutrality.) In the next few days we will send you some text to review for the announcement. Please let us know if there’s anything you want to modify or if you approve, and we will get the announcement into the queue for distribution.
Feel free to issue your own press release announcing that your firm has joined the Council. Please send draft text to for approval. Note that STAC does not endorse vendors or their products and generally does not provide quotes for press releases announcing a vendor’s membership in the Council. However, if you have a particular request for consideration, please let us know at the email address above.
Internal announcement
We encourage you to publicize your STAC membership within your organization. The more points of engagement your firm has with the STAC community, the more value it will get from its membership. For this purpose, we have developed an email template that you may want to start from. Click here for a template, or download the template from the file below.
STAC landing page
Your firm will have a landing page on the STAC website. A STAC landing page provides a single place that users can go to find news, slides, and videos from your presentations and activities at STAC, along with links to additional information you think will be of particular interest to the STAC audience. If and when your firm is involved in any STAC research, that will also be linked. (Note that what a user sees on a given vendor’s landing page may depend on his or her permission settings. For example, the most recent STAC Summit materials are generally only available to members.) The company description is taken from the join announcement above. To see examples, click on links at
The links section of the landing page can hold up to six links that your firm chooses. By default, we have set a link to your firm’s homepage. If in addition or instead of that, you would like to include links to other pages (e.g., finance case studies, product data, etc.) please let us know the individual who will have responsibility to keep them up to date (your "Links Manager"), and we will give him/her editor rights on that section.
IMPORTANT: Even though we put a clear disclaimer above these links, we must insist on some ground rules:
- No direct links to competitive comparisons or slams of competitors. This is "slippery slope" territory. If users can navigate to comparisons from a link you provide, fine. But no direct links.
- Should go without saying, but nothing inflammatory, obscene, etc.
- Enabling vendors to maintain these links is an experiment. We reserve the right to update the rules or even suspend the whole thing if it's not headed in a good direction.
User IDs
Any STAC user whose email address contains one of your corporate email domains will automatically be permissioned for access to Council materials on the STAC website according to your firm’s permissions.
The Primary or Secondary delegates from your firm need accounts on the STAC site so that other employees from your firm know whom to contact for questions about the membership or to obtain registration codes for STAC Summits. If you are a Primary or Secondary Delegate and we could not find a user ID for you, we have created one using your corporate email address. But we did not set your notification preferences. You can obtain your password and set your preferences at Please let us know if you have any problems with access.
STAC currently holds STAC Summits twice per year in New York, London, and Chicago, and has recently added events in Singapore as well as AI STAC events in New York and London. You can view upcoming events and see slides/video from past events at .
Attending events
As a Vendor member in the STAC Benchmark Council, you will have a set of badges to each of the STAC events1. The Primary and Secondary Delegates from your firm control who can register for these events. If there is an upcoming event with open registration, the registration codes have been added to the "Special info from STAC" section of your user dashboard. (See “User IDs” above). Just log in at and click “Dashboard” to see the information. You can read more about what to do with the codes at
If registration is not yet open for an upcoming round of events, you will not see the registration codes in your Dashboard. We will send out an email once they are available for the next round. You may want to familiarize yourself with your user dashboard in the meantime.
Speaking, exhibiting, sponsoring
Members also can take advantage of discounted speaking and exhibiting opportunities, as well as other kinds of sponsorships. Let us know if you’d like more information.
1Attendance is subject to availability, RSVP rules and other constraints. Attendance at some events may not be included. In those cases, member vendors receive preferential terms over non-member vendors.
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