STAC Report: Arista DCS-7130-48L under STAC-TS (time sync and capture)

Worst pairwise error between 94 ports on 2 devices was 799 picoseconds
1 June 2020
STAC recently performed relevant STAC-TS benchmarks on a stack consisting of two Arista DCS-7130-48L switches running MetaWatch 1.0.0 firmware on MOS 0.26.3 operating system. The STAC Report is available here.
STAC-TS is a set of benchmarks and software tools that measure the accuracy and other characteristics of solutions used for time synchronization, time stamping, and event capture. STAC-TS embodies industry best practices formulated by leading vendor firms and the trading community.
The stack we tested consisted of two Arista DCS-7130-48L switches running MetaWatch 1.0.0 firmware on MOS 0.26.3 operating system. Each device contained Arista SPF-10G-SR fiber SFPs and was synchronized to a common PPS signal using the TimeTech Pulse Distribution Unit (part number 10535).
Of the many results in the report, Arista chose to highlight the following:
- Achieved a maximum total difference in the time measured between any of the 47 ports of 376 ps (STAC-TS.PSE1.TOTAL)
- When two devices were synchronized, the worst-case error between any two of the 94 ports was 799 ps (STAC-TS.PSE2.TOTAL).
- A single device captured bursts of up to 470Gbps for up to 500ms (STAC-TS.CAP2).
For details, please see the report at the link above. Firms with subscriptions to the Trade Flow STAC Track also have access to the test tools used in this project and the micro-detailed configuration information for the solution. To learn about subscription options, please contact us or take a minute to learn about subscription options.
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