Vault report: STAC-M3 of kdb+ with Vexata all flash array

Unaudited STAC-M3 results for a new flash-array product
13 March 2017
Vexata recently submitted STAC-M3 results to the STAC Vault. The unaudited reports and configuration disclosure are available to STAC members with an appropriate subscription.
Vexata used the STAC-M3™ Benchmarks to test a stack involving a Vexata Array with 109TB of usable space. Kx Systems kdb+ 3.4 database ran on four Supermicro 2028U-TNRT+ servers with 2 x 14-core Intel Xeon E5-2697 v3 CPUs each. Each database instance accessed the same set of 16 storage volumes via Fibre Channel SAN.
Test results for this system using the baseline (Antuco) suite of STAC-M3 Benchmarks as well as the volume- and user-scaling suite (Kanaga) are available at the link above, as are a detailed Configuration Disclosure and sosreports for the systems used in the tests.
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