Quality test of Early Exercise

I run the R code in A2 to generate the output of Early Exercise and compare it with the reference value in Quality tool. I found the error is 0.1. Why the error is so large? 


Hi, GuoXiaoXiao. The R code uses a very small number of timesteps and paths in order to allow it to run quickly on a laptop. When you ran quality tests, did you set timesteps to 252 and paths to 25,000 (the baseline problem size for STAC-A2)?

In general, please note that the purpose of the R code is to describe the algorithms in STAC-A2. It is not a complete reference implementation (for example, it does not input problem sizes from the STAC-A2 config files).



Hi Peter,

      I read the spec. I think for quality test of Early Exercise. It uses the single-asset, timesteps  to 100, paths to 10000 and read the model parameter from input_HESTON_1ASSET.csv.  I did the same problem sizes setting.

Thanks, GuoXiaoXiao

You're right,  I forgot to check the params for that test.  So it sounds like you set them correctly.  Did you set the strike to 1? If so and you're still getting a lot of error, I'll have to punt to someone else on this list who actually understands the code, since I'm out of my depth.



yes, the strike is 1. The output for R code is about 0.22 and the reference code is about 0.104. 

Thanks, GuoXiaoXiao

I just checked the specs, and they say the output of the SUT is compared to a Black-Scholes binomial approximation. The input parameters for the SUT are:


If you're asking what the input parameters are for the B-S approximation, the best place to look is in the source to the QA tool.



Hi Peter,

where can I find  "STAC-A2 Quality Assessment Algorithm Specifications (C code), latest revision" ? Thanks.

I've dropped you a note to source out acces to that repo.


Hi Peter,

I have the access to the repo. However, I always cannot pass the exerly exercise quality test. Where can I find a detail descirption about this test? Now I use R algorihtm as my golden. 

GuoXiaoXiao, let's set up a time to talk.  Please respond to the email I sent so we can take this off the group forum.



The STAC-A2 Benchmark suite is the industry standard for testing technology stacks used for compute-intensive analytic workloads involved in pricing and risk management.