STAC Research Note: Optimizing TensorFlow Inference

For the STAC-ML™ Markets (Inference) benchmark, we developed a 64-bit TensorFlow version of our models for error comparison. Given that TensorFlow is such a popular ML framework, we were surprised that it was so slow for single inference. We thought perhaps the performance resulted from something we were—or were not—doing, so we decided to revisit TensorFlow performance and report on our findings.

We documented the results of our exploration here, including what we tried, how we implemented it, and what—if any—performance improvements we saw. Optimizing TensorFlow achieved 1 to 2 orders of magnitude improvement in some cases, but as you’ll see this was not the result of a single, consistent approach.

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The STAC-ML Working Group develops benchmark standards for key machine learning (ML) workloads in finance. These benchmarks enable customers, vendors, and STAC to make apples-to-apples comparisons of techniques and technologies.