STAC Reports: STAC-M3 with X-IO Axellio and kdb+

Beat each preceding STAC-M3 submission in over 50% of the baseline benchmarks in 1:1 comparisons
1 November 2017
STAC recently performed both baseline (Antuco) and scaling (Kanaga) suites of STAC-M3™ benchmarks on a single Axellio Edge Computing System containing two compute nodes and 70 x Dual Ported NVMe flash storage devices (SSD). Kx systems kdb+ 3.5 databases accessed the SSDs directly through the X-IO FabricXpress™ architecture. Each node had 2 x 22-core Intel Xeon E5-2699 v4 CPUs, bringing the total for the Axellio system to 88 compute cores.
The STAC reports for both suites are now available. Compared to other publicly reported solutions, this solution using a single 2-rack-unit Axellio Edge Computing System (which contained the entire test configuration, including clients):
- Beat each of the other solutions in more than 50% of the benchmarks when comparing to each solution in pairwise fashion.
- Excluding a solution that used Optane rather than NAND flash storage (SUT ID KDB171010), beat every other solution in over 70% of the benchmarks in pairwise comparisons.
- Set 5 new mean-response time records in the baseline benchmarks and 5 in the scaling benchmarks
- Set mean response-time records in 11 of 17 baseline benchmarks when compared to all publicly reported submissions to date that have elected to undergo both baseline and scale tests (Kanaga)
Details are in the STAC Reports linked above. Premium subscribers also have access to the code used in this project and the micro-detailed configuration information for the solution. (To learn about subscription options, please contact us.)
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