STAC Report: eXtremeDB Financial Edition on Power8 under STAC-M3

SQL-based eXtremeDB sets 9 of 17 response-time records with first STAC Benchmarks on an IBM Power system.
30 October 2014 - London STAC Summit
Today STAC released a STAC Report covering audited baseline STAC-M3 Benchmarks of McObject's eXtremeDB Financial Edition 6.0 on an IBM System S824 server with an IBM FlashSystem 840 array. These are the first STAC Benchmark results on the Power architecture (Power8).
The database in these tests was eXtremeDB Financial Edition 6.0 from McObject. Unlike our previous tests with eXtremeDB, the clients in this case were written in Python, and most of the benchmark operations were written in SQL. The database was distributed across dozens of shards, and clients communicated with them via TCP.
This solution stack set new records in 9 of 17 mean response-time benchmarks. This included over 4x the performance of the previously published best result for 10T.MKTSNAP using a non-McObject database (SUT ID: KDB110927) and over 4x the performance of the previously published best result for 10T.VOLCURV (SUT ID: KDB131007). It also delivered more consistent response times than the previous best results for 8 of the 17 operations.
The report is available here. At this link, qualified members of the STAC Benchmark Council can also access the configuration details for the stack that was tested.
For more information about STAC-M3, please see
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