STAC Report: STAC-A2 on Ivy Bridge

2-socket Ivy Bridge was 1.5x faster in the end-to-end Greeks benchmark than previously tested 2-socket Sandy Bridge.

2 October 2013 - New York

STAC recently ran STAC-A2 Benchmarks on a server with Intel Xeon E5-2697 2.70 GHz ("Ivy Bridge") CPUs and has now publicly released the results. This 2-socket Ivy Bridge system was 1.5x faster in the end-to-end Greeks benchmark (STAC-A2.β2.GREEKS.TIME) than the 2-socket Sandy Bridge system we tested in June.

To learn how Intel optimized their STAC-A2 implementation code and how that code has performed so far across multiple Intel architectures (including Xeon and Xeon Phi), feel free to watch a replay of the webinar we hosted on Friday.

Qualified members of the STAC Benchmark Council can access the report here.


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