STAC-M3 Report: kdb+ with Kove XPD2 Storage and Dell-Kove R910 Appliance

Audited STAC-M3 Benchmark of Kx Systems kdb+ 2.7 with Kove XPD2 DRAM-based Storage system sets several new official STAC-M3 records 12 October 2011 - New York STAC has released audited STAC-M3(TM) Benchmarks of Kx Systems kdb+ 2.7 with the Kove XPD2 Storage System, Dell-Kove R910 Appliance using Intel E7-4850 processors, and Mellanox QDR InfiniBand. The SUT was tested against the baseline (Antuco) suite of STAC-M3 Benchmarks. For the full STAC Report, go to kdb+ is a system for managing large volumes of real-time and historical timeseries data, such as security prices. The Kove XPD2 is a DRAM-based storage architecture. The Dell-Kove R910 Appliance is a new purpose-built server solution for high-performance analytic databases. These components communicated using Mellanox MT26428 ConnectX-2 HCAs and an MTS3600 InfiniScale-IV switch. This solution stack set several new official STAC-M3 records. For example, the Market Snapshot benchmark (STAC-M3.ß1.10T.MKTSNAP.LAT2) was over 12x the previous best published speed, and the Theoretical P&L benchmark (STAC-M3.ß1.10T.THEOPL.LAT2) was over 5x the previous best. The report page includes instructions on how qualified firms can obtain the detailed STAC-M3 Benchmark specifications. It also includes links for the STAC-M3 Test Harness materials and the kdb+ STAC Pack that were used, so that you can run comparative benchmarks on your own systems.

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