STAC Report: eXtremeDB & E8 Storage under STAC-M3 (tick analytics)

Faster mean response times than all previously published best results for 5 of the 17 operations
22 May 2018
STAC recently performed the baseline (Antuco) suite of STAC-M3™ Benchmarks on a stack involving McObject’s eXtremeDB Financial Edition v8 and an E8-X24 flash storage array from E8 Storage that used 24 x 350GB Intel Optane NVMe drives, all driven by 6 x Supermicro SYS-2028TP-HTTR servers with 256GB DRAM each.
The STAC report is now available. STAC-M3 is the set of industry standard enterprise tick-analytics benchmarks for database solutions that manage large time series of market data (tick data).
Of the many results, McObject and E8 Storage chose to highlight that this solution exhibited:
- Faster mean response times than all previously published best results for 5 of the 17 operations.
- More consistent response times (lower standard deviation) than all previous best results for 7 of the 17 operations.
- 17.0x the performance of the previously published best result for the write benchmark (STAC-M3.β1.1T.WRITE.TIME) using a non-McObject database (SUT ID: KDB171010).
- 9.1x the performance of the previously published best result for the NBBO benchmark (STAC-M3.β1.1T.NBBO.TIME) using a non-McObject database (SUT ID: KDB171010).
- 2.4x the performance of the previously published best result for (STAC-M3.β1.10T.VOLCURV.TIME) using a non-McObject database (SUT ID: KDB171010).
Details are in the STAC Report linked above. Premium subscribers also have access to the code used in this project and the micro-detailed configuration information for the solution. (To learn about subscription options, please contact us.)
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