Vault Report: STAC-N with Chelsio and WireDirect UDP

Unaudited STAC-N Benchmark of Chelsio T420-LL-CR network adapter with WireDirect UDP.

8 February 2013 - New York

Chelsio has submitted an unaudited benchmark report to the STAC Vault covering STAC-N tests of their T420-LL-CR adapter with their WireDirect UDP. STAC-N directly tests a network stack without any intervening software such as middleware or feedhandlers.

Details of this report are as follows:

Specs: STAC-N v0.6

Type: Unaudited

Stack under test (SUT ID 2013122-udp-wdudp-enet-rhel5.5-chelsio):

• Chelsio WireDirect UDP
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5
• Supermicro X9DR3-F/I Server
• 2 x 8-core Intel Xeon E5-2687@3.1 GHz
• Chelsio T420-LL-CR Adapter
• 10Gbps Ethernet by cross-over cable

Tests were run using the same STAC-N UDP binding version (ver udpsock-0.2b) used in previous reports in the STAC Vault.

Qualified members of the STAC Benchmark Council can access the report here.

Observer Member firms that have not already received a complimentary report may request access to this report.

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