STAC-M3 Report: Intel 320 SSD in ION SR-71 storage appliance with kdb+

Audited STAC-M3 Benchmark of Kx Systems kdb+ 2.8 with Intel SSD-based storage beats spindle-based benchmarks while using much less space

6 June 2012

STAC has released a STAC Report covering baseline STAC-M3 Benchmarks of the kdb+ 2.8 database when used with ION Computer's STORION SR-71 Storage Appliance using Intel SSD 320 Series, a 25nm NAND flash product.

Results for the MKTSNAP, THEOPL, and VWAB-D benchmarks were 2.2x to 2.7x better than the best corresponding public results to date for SUTs using spinning disks, despite using 8x to 24x less rack space for storage.

Details of the stack under tests (SUT ID KDB120507) are as follows:

- Kx Systems kdb+ 2.8
- IBM x3850 X5 Server with 512GB RAM
- 4 x 10-core Intel Xeon E7- 4870 ("Westmere EX") @ 2.4GHz
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 with ext4
- ION STORION™ SR-71 iSCSI Storage Appliance with Intel SSD 320 Series

The report is available here to all subscribers.

Configuration details for STAC-M3 Benchmarks (exact hardware and software versions, OS configuration, core bindings, partitioning, etc.) have been moved out of the STAC Report and are now housed in a separate Configuration Disclosure document.

Qualified members of the STAC Benchmark Council can access the Configuration Disclosure here.

The Configuration Disclosure may be requested by Observer Members as their firm's complimentary report.

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