STAC Report: RMDS 6 on a 16-core Intel Caneland

Highest single-server throughput for RMDS STAC has just released a study of the Reuters Market Data System (RMDS 6) on the new Intel "Caneland" platform with 4 Quad Core Intel Xeon X7350 processors (codenamed "Tigerton"), running Red Hat 4.5 and communicating over Gigabit Ethernet. The goal of the benchmark was to maximize the performance of core RMDS components on a single server. Stacked configurations were used to exploit as much of the 16 cores in this system as possible. The results are the highest Source Distributor throughput and Point-to-Point Server throughput achieved to date on a single 4-socket or 2-socket server: - 2,800,000 updates per second in the Source Distributor throughput test and - 2,200,000 updates per second in the P2PS throughput test. Click here to download the report for no charge.

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