Proposed Test Harness Reviews

In this thread, we will post Test Harnesses designs for STAC-T1 configurations that firms intend to audit. Please post commentary and questions during a one week period following the policy posted at 


A vendor is staging a STAC-T1 test for audit using their Tick-to-Trade appliance. As per the policy, the harness setup is documented here for community review. The attached file describes:

  • The setup and diagram of the test harness All connections in the harness are optical fiber. 
  • Timestamping in the SUT is performed by the Vendor's Measurement Product. A validation will be conducted using a SolarFlare NIC during loopback test to ensure that the measurements are comparable.
  • A Bill of Materials to document all components in the harness setup.

Please provide any comments or questions as a reply to this post within the next week. 

STAC-T1 consists of benchmarks for measuring tick-to-trade performance of low-latency trading systems, including all the logic necessary to ingest and interpret market data ("ticks"), and create and send execution messages such as orders and cancellations (loosely, "trades").