STAC-N Test Harness

This page provides the most current version of the STAC-N Tools package. If you are looking for an earlier version, please contact us. The Tools package provides the documentation, tools, source code and files required to develop, run, analyze and produce reports. Please see the README below for complete details on the latest modifications.

The Training videos (STAC-N_Overview_Section*zip files) provide an overview of the STAC-N benchmark and toolset, including background information on the benchmark, typical test setup requirements, the testing lifecycle, a demo of a stand-alone test and various tips related to STAC Library configuration, system tuning  and post-processing. Each package covers a section of the training and provides several ways to view the video. We recommend using the html files (e.g. "STAC-N_Overview_Section1.html" ) to launch each video because it provides an interactive index so you can jump between chapters.

Note - the training videos do not yet cover setup of the multi-sut harness, but rather focus on how each individual test run works.

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