Kx Systems kdb+ 2.7 with DDN SFA10000 on IBM System x3850 X5

Specs: STAC-M3 Benchmarks (Kanaga Suite)

Stack under test:

• Kx Systems kdb+ 2.7
• DataDirect Networks SFA10K-X Storage System
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.6 with ext4
• IBM x3850 X5 server with 516GB memory
• 4 x Intel X7560, 8 core, 2.27GHz
• Mellanox ConnectX-2 host server adapters

Comparison to Kanaga results after February 2014 is not necessarily valid due to a change in the benchmark policy (STAC-M3 Benchmark Specs - Kanaga Rev H) to allow the pre-loading of data.

Qualified members of the STAC Benchmark Council may access the STAC-M3 Benchmark specifications used in this benchmark and the STAC-M3 Test Harness software. They may also request the kdb+ programs used to generate these benchmark results, which are kept in the STAC Vault.


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The STAC-M3 Benchmark suite is the industry standard for testing solutions that enable high-speed analytics on time series data, such as tick-by-tick market data (aka "tick database" stacks).