STAC-A3 Pack for Intel® Parallel Studio XE (Rev A) with 2 x Intel® Xeon® Platinum 9242 Processors on RHEL7.8 in an Intel® Server System S9200WK SDP with 2 x 1.6TB Intel® DC P3700 SSD

Type: Audited


Stack under test:

  • STAC-A3 Pack for Intel Parallel Studio XE (Rev A)
  • Intel C++ Compiler 19.0 U5 / Intel TBB 2019 U5 Python 3.6.8 / Pandas 0.24.1 / numpy 1.16.2 / RHEL 7.8
  • 2 x Intel Xeon Platinum 9242 Processors / Intel Server System S9200WK DSP
  • 2 x 1.6TB Intel DC P3700 SSD

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