Pre-release STAC-M3 Streaming benchmarks on the STAC-M3 Jalua Reference Implementation (InfluxDB) using InfluxDB 1.8.1 on GCP e2-standard-16 with 16 vCPUs, 64GB memory, and 1000GB SSD Google Persistent Disk

Type: Audited

SPECIAL NOTE: These results use a pre-release version of a new benchmark suite and are not official results. The purpose of putting this report in the STAC Vault is to provide the STAC-M3 Working Group with a concrete basis for reviewing the benchmark specs. The benchmark implementation tested in this project was written by STAC without any special knowledge of the products involved or the assistance of any vendors. These results are probably NOT the best performance possible from the products in this SUT.

Specs: STAC-M3 Jalua Suite (streaming benchmarks) - BETA 1

Stack under test:

  • STAC-M3 Jalua Reference Implementation (InfluxDB), written by STAC
  • InfluxDB 1.8.1
  • GCP e2-standard-16
  • 1000 GB SSD Google Persistent Disk
  • GCP Premium Tier network

Tested by: STAC

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The STAC-M3 Benchmark suite is the industry standard for testing solutions that enable high-speed analytics on time series data, such as tick-by-tick market data (aka "tick database" stacks).